At Stahl Mennonite we are community - we enjoy living life together on Sundays and throughout the week. Check out ways to make new friends and connect, and join in as you are able.
All are invited to worship and seek God with us. Sunday School begins at 9:30 and we join together for worship at 10:30 am. Have questions? Learn more about Sunday mornings here.
Mondays from 6:30-7:30 pm for children age 3 - grade 6 (held September - April)
A friendly and enjoyable evening of Bible stories, music, crafts, and snack to help children discover and learn about God in new ways. Our volunteers serve to ensure your kids have fun and feel loved. Kid's Connection is open to all area children; parents are welcome to attend.
A friendly and enjoyable evening of Bible stories, music, crafts, and snack to help children discover and learn about God in new ways. Our volunteers serve to ensure your kids have fun and feel loved. Kid's Connection is open to all area children; parents are welcome to attend.
Wednesdays from 5:00-7:00 pm (running October - March, check out our calendar for schedule)
Souper Wednesdays bring together two of our communities' greatest joys: good fellowship and good food! Enjoy some time with friends and neighbors gathered around the table. You could taste up to seven homemade soups on any given Wednesday. There is no charge and no need to bring anything but a healthy appetite. Visitors are always welcome!
Souper Wednesdays bring together two of our communities' greatest joys: good fellowship and good food! Enjoy some time with friends and neighbors gathered around the table. You could taste up to seven homemade soups on any given Wednesday. There is no charge and no need to bring anything but a healthy appetite. Visitors are always welcome!
There is always something going on at Stahl - whether it's a bike & hike, serving meals at the Johnstown's Family Kitchen, or talking theology together at a local restaurant... be sure to check out our upcoming events & bulletins.